You have a story to share — of your life or of your imagination. A story that arises from the depths of your heart and your soul, from the place of myth and archetype. As high priestess for the Muse, I use intuitive tools like dreams and the tarot to connect you to the Muse and to guide you and your story from beginning to end as you live and share it with others.
Once upon a time…
This consult offers guidance and inspiration for meeting challenges, moving forward with new projects, and alerts for when it is a good time to take a break for reflection, rest and renewal.
Want to see what you’re not seeing, and discover how to weave a stronger, more beautiful life or story?
Want to know the meaning and message of that dream from last night, last week, or years ago?
Let’s see what the cards say, or decipher your dream…
Want help or advice to write, publish, and/or market your book?
Fiction or non-fiction, from idea to manuscript to market, let’s work together to get your story into the world…
Want a session speaker, workshop presenter, or course instructor for your organization?
Want to discover where I’ll be next, or learn more about past appearances and topics?
Let’s explore how we can work together…
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 3/17/2025 Theme, 4 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and communication. Four is a number of stability and structure. This week, when you can, make time to rest and retreat from the barrage of ...
I have branded merchandise for sale! Everything from cups to Tshirts…
Paula is the best writing coach I have ever encountered! Twice now I have brought her a book that was stuck and she’s helped me find the essential thread of the story.
Rachel Pollack, author of The Tarot of Perfection: Eight Tales and A Walk Through the Forest of Souls
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Images by Ciro Marchetti with Permission
Site by Creative Implementations