“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Celebrate Creative Success After Hard Work and Struggles



Theme, 6 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. After the challenge of the Five of Wands, the card before this one, where roles, responsibilities and numerous projects all were vying for your attention and time, this card urges you to celebrate creative success. Celebrating and acknowledging success gives you confidence and the ability to see the way forward after all the hard work and struggles.

Focus, Wheel of Fortune. This Major Arcana card in the position of focus, reminds you that change is inevitable and constant. Easier to say than do. How will you respond this week to changes and challenges in your creative work? How will you keep your balance amidst the highs and lows? How will you adapt and stay flexible enough to find your center? What tools can you use to help you adapt and stay centered?

Action, Strength. Another Major Arcana card that speaks not to muscular strength but to inner strength, the virtue known as fortitude. See how the figure stands calm, her hands merely touching the lion’s mane? Do the same when challenged creatively, and offer your work and yourself compassion and patience even as you commit to staying the course. Be sure to define what your goals and path are so that you are clear about what you need strength for.

Gift, Judgement. A third Major Arcana card, denoting big energies this week, important issues and opportunities that arise from and through your creative work. This card in the gift position offers a vision for deeper, more powerful work, work that allows you to express your truth in service to the greater good. It’s a positive change that can enlarge the reach and significance of your creativity.