“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Abandon Old Creative Assumptions


Theme, 6 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and communication. Six is a number of harmony or generosity. Throughout the week, with insights or help from others, look for opportunities to abandon old creative assumptions. If you have limited your creativity or creative development by assuming it is necessary for you to follow exactly what others do in your creative field, consider re-evaluating those assumptions. It is, after all, the rule breakers and those willing to push boundaries who take creative expressions into new directions and forms.

Focus, The Lovers. This Major Arcana card is not just about love (and how perfect for Valentine’s week) but also about finding harmony and authentic emotion. How will you find harmony this week between different aspects of your creative work? Can you find balance between creator and marketer, for instance? Can you love your current creative project enough to let go of control and surrender to the work in a way that is authentic, even if you have to abandon those creative assumptions?

Action, 10 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition, and creativity. Ten is a number of abundance. Here, there is an opportunity for abundant celebration of your creative work or progress, perhaps because you abandoned those assumptions. Share your successes this week with your friends. Celebration at completion is a good thing to do before beginning anew. It allows for rest and replenishment.

Gift, 5 of Swords. We started with Swords and end with Swords, the suit of Air and the mind. Although the fives in the tarot are points of conflict and challenge, because it is in the position of gift, the card says that it is in accepting limitations while also moving past assumptions, that you find creative solutions and inspiration. Don’t fight or complain about limitations because you won’t see the gifts that acceptance and the opportunity to seek solutions will bring.