Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for Nov 26, 2012.
Theme for the Week, 10 of Wands. Even though this was the theme two weeks ago, obviously its an issue that isn’t complete. If you are still belly to the ground with too many projects, striving to make them perfect, then it’s time to be done. Finish them up.
Focus, The Emperor. The Emperor is a get moving, take charge kind of guy, filled with that Aries energy that has little patience and won’t let anything get in his way. With those old projects complete, he insists that you focus on the new project that has power and urgency behind it, that exhibits your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Action, 6 of Coins. And while you are focusing on that next project, take time this week to re-establish balance. Make sure you have enough income coming in for all the wonderful work you are doing. Take time to restore your physical energies and your well-being. And make sure you are giving time and energy to your family…don’t make them beg for it.
Gift, 5 of Swords. Yes, I know, it doesn’t look like a gift, BUT it gives you the opportunity this week to deal with two not all five of the communication challenges you’ve had lately. Whether it is only needing to deal with two clients while the other three wait until next week, or communicating primarily through two social media channels instead of the five or more you are a member of, the card gives you the opportunity to stop feeling embattled.