Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 12/17/12.
Theme for the week, 9 of Wands. We may have fought the good fight with our current creative project…and others are waiting to see it, to receive it. But first, what are the final steps that need to be taken? Not to make it perfect, but to make it as good as it can be? This is not the time to get sloppy or to back off on your efforts… Follow through is the key phrase for the week.
Focus, Queen of Wands. Because, of course, the Queen has a passion for her creative work and wants only the best for herself and those who come to her for care and nurturing. How are you the Queen of Wands for your creativity and creative work this week? How do you create with passion, will, intent, purpose…undeterred by the challenges, listening only to the call of your spirit?
Action, 5 of Swords. Be meticulous with your words. I repeat, be meticulous with your words. It’s an easy time to get into verbal battles. Be sure those battles are worth fighting. Someone doesn’t like your work? So be it. Let it go. Someone misunderstands your work, then offer to explain. But don’t get defensive unnecessarily.
Gift, Ace of Cups. Ahhh, after taking care of those finishing details, you are ready to receive the new vision, the next creative project or quest. Be ready to embrace it and see its beauty from all aspects.