“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Prepare for the New Creative Journey


Theme, 8 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition and creativity. Eight is a number of movement. In this case, with the man’s back to us, it is a movement away from. In the water, the man has the legs of an octopus. If you think of the suction cups on an octopus’s legs, you know there is an ability to grab on and hold tightly to something. For the man to move towards the vision implied in the Full Moon with the sign of Pisces, he has to let go of those cups. For you to prepare for the new creative journey (or vision or project), you need to look for places this week to let go of old emotional attachments, especially to your creative projects.

Focus, 10 of Cups. Again, Cups is the element of Water. Ten is the number of excess, abundance, and the tipping point from ending to beginning again, a place in between. Your focus this week is to ask yourself, “How do I need to rest and recover from the last journey as a way to prepare for the new creative journey?”

Action, The High Priestess. A Major Arcana card, the High Priestess is a threshold guardian who stands at the place between the conscious and unconscious. It is the High Priestess who awakens the intuitive and deep wisdom aspects within us. Be the High Priestess this week. Go deeply into the unconscious to bring forth the inspirations and soul-filled ideas for your creative work. And create instinctively.

Gift, 10 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. Ten, again, is that tipping point, and that place of excess. Although this poor man assailed by flying swords doesn’t look like a gift, the gift is in finally reaching a place where you can ignore the criticisms, doubts, and bad ideas that may come flying at you this week. Recognize that these are more likely to appear when you are in that place between when you finish a project and when you prepare for a new creative journey.