How Do You Connect with your Muse?
Tarot Focus, Temperance. 8/27/12. How do you connect with your Muse to bring a balance of creative passion and creative dreaming together? How do both passion and dream make your creative work and life stronger?
Writing or creativity of any kind is a mysterious process, a journey into deep and unchartered waters. What you need is a compass… the Tarot.
Tarot Focus, Temperance. 8/27/12. How do you connect with your Muse to bring a balance of creative passion and creative dreaming together? How do both passion and dream make your creative work and life stronger?
Tarot Gift, The Lovers. 8/24/12. Look for those moments today, when you become the clear channel for your Muse, for divine inspiration. By both receiving and then acting on those inspirations, you empower you creative work or business. The more you open to your Muse, the more ideas and insights
All of us have seen the news reports on TV and the internet about the warmest driest summer on record that the US has experienced. When rain is in short supply, many species of grass will go dormant, turning brown and looking like it died. In fact, grass survives six
In the 2007 movie, “You Kill Me.” Ben Kingsley stars as a Polish alcoholic hitman from Buffalo whose drinking causes his mob boss to send him to San Francisco to dry out, with interesting consequences for everyone. In the opening scene, it is winter in Buffalo (i.e. snow up to
It never fails. Whether you travel for the pleasure of it or to lead or attend a conference or retreat, you will inevitably encounter the Yes-but. You’ve seen the little beasties. They have very thick hoofs for digging their feet in. Their ears are small and frequently flop down making
What is ROI? Return On Investment. In the broadest sense, for bankers, angel investors and financiers, ROI is the measure of profitability of an investment, and the definition of profitability can vary depending on the goals of the investor. Add Creative to the front of that and you have CROI,
Do You Take Your Creative Work Out for Dinner and a Dance? I witnessed part of an interesting ritual the other night. No, it wasn’t on the History Channel or in the National Geographic. It was in a restaurant near my aunt’s home where I am staying while helping out
Sometimes the biggest challenge to our ability to function creatively and enjoy the process, is the high level of expectations we put on ourselves and the creative project. If you are in the process of birthing and raising a creative project and you’ve set your expectations high: Acknowledge that perfection
If you write only about the things that are safe, about the emotions that are happy and easy, then your story will lack the authenticity and power that readers hunger for. Thursday, I had the privilege and fun of being interviewed by coach, author, colleague and friend, Adela Rubio. I
Here is a great quote for your weekend. If you aren’t a writer, the principle still applies. The Internet has changed publishing. The growing pains are fierce. But they are not your growing pains. Publish however you think best suits you. Don’t rush it. Take your time writing and editing,
Images by Ciro Marchetti with Permission
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