Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 10/7/2013
Theme, 3 of Cups. Cups is the element of water representing the heart and all its emotions, and creativity. This week look at the element of celebration, especially shared celebration, around your creativity. Look for opportunities to celebrate creative achievements and ideas. Really celebrate, with music, wine, and friends.
Focus, 7 of Swords. Swords is the element of air, representing mind and its aspects of thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and communication. This week, focus on how you let others sneak in with their ideas and communications to undermine and sabotage your self-confidence and your belief in the value and importance of your creative work. Is it time to close some windows?
Action, Page of Cups. Cups, again, and heart and creativity. Take action on a new creative idea or project that has special significance for you, something you’ve longed to do, that speaks to your heart…but you haven’t let yourself do it yet. Do it.
Gift, 9 of Coins. Coins, meaning anything you can touch, taste or feel such as home, health, wealth, brings you rewards when you celebrate, close off creativity saboteurs, and act on a meaningful creative project. Manifest your creative ideas to reap rewards this week.