Theme, King of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. The king is the ruler, the one who is confident and has the power to manage and direct the resources of his realm. This week, look for those times and places where you need to be confident and resourceful in order to serve the spirit and purpose of your creative work.
Focus, 8 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. This card is all about how you are communicating with yourself, letting your doubts and fears be bigger and more restrictive than they need to be. This week, ask yourself, where are old beliefs holding me back, tying me up, keeping me from doing my creative work? What do I need to do to free myself?
Action, Strength. This Major Arcana card is not about muscular strength but about internal strength, fortitude and courage. Those big cats are changed from challenges to creative companions through the woman’s touch of confidence. This week, don’t try to wrestle your creative challenges to the ground, rather, touch them with your inner confidence and courage so that they companion you rather than challenge you.
Gift, 2 of Swords. Swords, again is that realm of the mind. Since this is in the gift position, it suggests accepting the gift of the relationship (Libra) you have with your instinct and intuition. Accepting those insights puts that constant weighing of pros and cons to rest.