Monday’s Message from the Muse for the week of 9/17/2012.
The theme for this week is another Queen, the Queen of Cups, comfortable and confident in her watery realm of feelings, intuitions, dreams and the creativity that arises from love, the heart. Practice your creative work this week with a confidence that arises out the bigness of the Love you have to offer the world. Remember that your creative work is a love offering, a true gift.
The Focus is the 2 of Wands. How are you letting decision-making in your creative work stymy you? Are you wasting time trying to decide between one project or another? Is the real question, “How can I combine elements of the two ideas to create something even more unique, original and desired?”
The Action is the Page of Cups. Take that Love offering of your creative work and get out there and share it, communicate about it…with energy, playfulness, vitality.
The Gift for the week is the 3 of Coins, what I call the Craftsman card. Look for time this week to enter your creative space, whether office or studio, and give focused, quiet, concentrated time to your work, to crafting that new idea that comes from the Focus question.