Theme, 5 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. Five is a point of challenge or conflict. If you are feeling besieged by demands and responsibilities then determine creative priorities if you want your project or creative work to grow. The constant battle between responsibilities and desires drains creative energy. Stop the battle.
Focus, 5 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and communication. Five again as challenge and conflict. This week, ask how you can stop the inner battle of priorities, and accept your limitations? (No, you can’t do it all.) How do you want to deal with the messages from others about what you should and need to do? How is your mind playing a role in keeping the battles engaged? You have the ability to cut through the nonsense and false ideas.
Action, 6 of Wands. Wands as Fire, spirit, creativity, career and work. Six is a number of using the challenges of the Fives to move forward with experience and new strength. Here, you see a victory parade. When you meet the challenges of the two fives, you can move forward with new insights and strengths, acknowledging past challenges and past successes. These give you the propulsion and energy to keep moving in the direction of your creative vision and dreams for the current project. You’ve prevailed. Hold your head up and move forward.
Gift, Page of Wands. Wands again. The Page in the tarot, as in the royal court, is the messenger, usually the youthful, energetic messenger. This page is lighthearted, exuberant, and excited about you and the project. Look for the message that is a gift of inspiration, encouragement, or support, possibly through a dream, or an encounter with another creative.