Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, June 30, 2014
Theme, Knight of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth, of body, home, health, wealth, anything physical. The Knight is the one who serves with all his training and experience, his resources, equipment and skills. To serve your creative work and community, you have to take care of yourself. Get outside this week and move. Walk, play a sport, garden. And find more fun in it when you do it with a friend.
Focus, The Empress. Source of life, of creativity in all its many forms. This week, how are you the source of creative abundance? How are you manifesting your creativity, giving birth to it in physical form?
Action, 3 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air, of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, communication. If some past hurt or disappointment is still buried inside–rejection, critical reviews, voiced doubts–then it’s time to release it. At the very least, journal about it so you can let it go.
Gift, 10 of Coins. Back to Coins and rewards for your creative work that show up in physical form this week. Maybe a client sends you a box of chocolates or a friend gives you flowers from her garden as thanks for your support and encouragement, or someone invites you to dinner. Look for those small rewards this week that tell you that your creativity is appreciated…in any of its forms.
2 Responses
What a fantastic reminder! Self-care is so often something that gets left to last, but today, I will put it on the front burner. Thank you, Paula.
You are welcome. And thank you, Elizabeth, for viewing.