Theme, 10 of Coins. The beauty is in the details this week, especially in the finishing details. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health and wealth. So as you physically manifest your creativity in words on the page or in other creative forms this week, remember the importance of the finishing, the editing, the polishing. The eye of your customer is caught by the sparkle and shine of your work.
Focus, 8 of Coins. Again in the realm of the practical and physical. Endings and beginnings mean paying attention to the plan, whether that plan is laying out the steps for creation or the budgeting of resources. What is your plan for the last three months of this year in relation to your creative work? Do you have one? Do you need one?
Action, 10 of Wands. Another 10 but this time in the suit of Wands which is the element of Fire, in the realm of Spirit, creativity, career, work. This week, finish those projects. Apparently, we have to be reminded of this on a regular basis. Sometimes, it feels easier to keep carrying projects that we know rather than run the risk of finishing and starting anew. Finish your work so you can put the load down.
Gift, Justice. This Major Arcana card gifts us with a moving balance or harmony that comes when we finish old projects and create our plans for new ones so that we don’t become overburdened with work. There is a flow then between inner and outer, between imagining and producing.