Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the Week of 12/31/2012.
Theme, King of Wands–This week, as we end the old year and begin the new, look at how you are tending the fires of your creative work. Are you looking at the big picture and planning for a successful year? Do you have the fuel you need to keep those fires burning brightly? Will your fire burn high and bright or sputter along?
Focus, 7 of Swords–How do you let others undermine or sabotage your creative work with criticism and doubt? Are you sharing your creative ideas with the wrong people, letting them in to take away the certainty in your creative work. Have you lost focus on the bright beauty you create in the world…have you stopped trusting your intuitive instincts because of others’ doubts?
Action, 5 of Cups–yes, criticism hurts. As does rejection and failure. So are you going to just sit there nursing your hurts and protecting yourself from further disappointment or are you going to get up and get out there with what you are meant to contribute in the world? Stop sitting with your back against the wall.
Gift, 8 of Swords — You are given, this week, an opportunity to see where your own beliefs and attitudes have immobilized you and kept you from moving forward. Cut yourself loose and get going. Don’t stop to berate yourself for getting into that position. Instead, consider it an initiation into deeper self-understanding.