“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Open to New Creative Possibilities & Combinations


Theme, 2 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. Two is a number of balance, choice, decision, and partnership. Here, in the suit of desire and creativity, the desire is for clarity around creative work. Do I work on this project or that? Do I work on this idea or the other? Perhaps the better question is how do I do both and enjoy the process and manage my energy? This week, can you remain open to new creative possibilities and combinations?

Focus, 3 of Wands. Still in the suit of Wands, the three is a number of creativity and action. Are you prepared to take action this week to meet new creative possibilities and opportunities? What do you need to do to be prepared? Finish a canvas, get slides of your work, edit that manuscript? Are you willing to make the effort?

Action, The Hermit. This Major Arcana seems to imply solitude, going it alone. But there is purpose in the solitude, and that is to tune into divine guidance, inner wisdom, the voice of the Muse in order to be guided on the creative path, to follow your vision for your work. Then, you can hold the light up for others, be the mentor, teacher, or guide that others look for. It’s not easy to follow your own path or creative vision, hence the need for solitude.

Gift, 6 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, intuition and creativity. Six is a number of relationship and power. Here it is the relationship to self, and that relationship is restored by the actions of the Hermit, so that you are given the imagination and openness to new ideas and inspiration, and the belief in all the possibilities you had as a child. You receive the gift of excitement and enthusiasm for your work.