Theme, 4 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition, and creativity. Four is a number of stability and structure. Here, the man has turned his attention away from the three cups he already has and is looking at the fourth cup above him. This week, be aware of when you are tempted to start a new project to relieve boredom or to avoid feeling blocked with your current projects. Having new ideas is important but perhaps not at the cost of projects already underway.
Focus, Knight of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and communication. The Knight is the champion. The one with the daring-do. This knight charges forth with powerful words and communication about your creative work. How are you being the Knight? How are you communicating with daring and clarity about your creative work? Whether written or spoken, how are your words championing your work?
Action, Ace of Cups. Cups, that suit of emotions, dreams, intuition and creativity.And here is that Cup that was floating in space, now deep beneath the water. It is that dream, that creative vision that is ready to float to the surface as the new project with all its potential. Yes, you want to bring it to the surface, and capture the ideas and dreams you have for it, even as you finish previous projects.
Gift, 3 of Cups. Cups again. Here, we have the other three cups as a reminder that when you give them the attention and work they need to grow toward completion, you will find that an occasion for celebration presents itself. Perhaps the celebration is with close friends or peers. But that celebration comes because you created a balance and movement between the new idea and the projects already in development.