Theme, The Sun. This Major Arcana card tells you to shine your brightest this week. The Sun draws the planets to it by being the Sun, its magnetic self. Do the same for you and your creative work. Shine brightly and draw those to you who will appreciate and support your work. Don’t be shy.
Focus, King of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career and work. The King rules his realm of creativity. How are you the King of your creativity and creative resources? How to do you tend the fires of your creative work, keep the passion for your work alive?
Action, The Moon. The Major Arcana card before the Sun tells you that this week is about how you honor the light of your work both inwardly and outwardly. If you shine your brightest in both directions your work has a chance to flourish. This week, be sure to pay attention to your dreams and intuitions. Then check them in the light of the Sun to make sure they are workable and not illusions.
Gift, 9 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health an wealth, anything physical. Your gift is beauty in abundance when you shine your brightest. What does a garden like this need? Sunshine and rain. Well, be your brightest Sun self this week and then reap the rewards.