Are Worries or Dreams Your Creative Night Life?

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 4/15/2013. Theme, 9 of Swords. These Swords (thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, communication) are waking you up at night…are they worries or dreams? For this week, prepare yourself for sleep in a way that supports your creative night life. Cleanse your space and your mind. Do a brain dump of ideas […]

Be the Fool for your Creativity…Take Risks, Be Playful

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 4/1/2013. Theme, The Fool. Since April 1st is April Fool’s Day here in the US, I decided to pull that card from the deck and make it the theme for the week. So this week, be the Fool for your creativity. Be willing to take […]

Creating Beauty in your World with your Creative Work

Monday Message from the Muse.  9/3/12. The theme for this week, 9 of Coins, is creating beauty in the world for yourself and others through your creative work–whether you write, paint, sing, coach, heal–you create beauty for others and, through that, for yourself. So focus first on how your own thoughts and beliefs may keep […]