Overnight Success—Are You Pursuing It?
People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most significant success is achieved. ~Annie Sullivan~ Recently, I attended our village’s annual lawn party fundraiser for our small but excellent library. A friend who now lives with her husband year round in New Orleans, attended the event after just returning from a trip […]
Be Alert for 2 New Project Ideas
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/5/2016 Theme, Page of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts attitudes, beliefs, and communication. The Page is the youth, the messenger. This Page brings you the message of two new project ideas this week. Be alert and ready to receive them. Write […]
You’re the Creative Source
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/9/2015 Theme, The Empress. From the Major Arcana, the Empress is all about creativity in abundance and with deep passion. This week, be aware of where you have the opportunity to be the source for creative abundance. There is no limit to the ideas and projects you can manifest. […]
Can You Say, “I Do”?
This weekend, I will officiate at a wedding. The bride is a young woman I’ve watched grow from infancy, so this is especially meaningful to me. Her mom is a dear friend. So you can imagine that weddings, love and commitment have been on my mind. Years ago in 2007, Bob and I attended a […]
Creativity is Change—Stay Centered
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, JUNE 13, 2015 Theme, Wheel of Fortune. A Major Arcana card, the Wheel is all about change and time. So is creativity, which is all about change and time. Jupiter, the big benefic that makes everything grander and larger, is a sign of good fortune. So, if things have […]
Do You Dare Say, “I Do”?
Because of the two weddings Bob and I recently attended, the idea of commitment has been on my mind. I love weddings and witnessing couples affirm their love for each other and then dare to commit to journey together into the future—for better or for worse. As with the marriage vow, sometimes when we commit […]
Throw It Against the Wall or Kiss It?
Once upon a time… A princess took her favorite toy, a golden ball, into the woods. Sitting by a well, she repeatedly tossed her ball up into the air and caught it. After several tosses, she missed the ball which fell into the well, disappearing beneath the water. She began crying. “Why do you cry […]
7 Lessons from the Towers of Tuscany
When Bob and I committed to traveling this spring to Tuscany, I knew from friends and reading I’d done that we would do a lot of walking. I just didn’t imagine how much. At a rough guess, we walked between 5 and 10 miles a day. All that walking burned off the pasta and pastries […]
Make Space for Your Creative Work
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 2/10/2014. Theme, 4 of Wands. Wands is the element of fire, of spirit, creativity, career, work. Four is a number of stability. Creating stability for your creativity means making a commitment and making space for it. This week stay alert to how you make space and how you are […]
Commit to Your Creative Project
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 1/13/2014 Theme, 4 of Wands. Wands is the element of fire, of passion, will, spirit, and creativity. This week, look for where your current creative work or project requires a commitment from you in order to keep growing, as if your Muse keeps asking, “Are […]