Pay Attention to Messages from the Unconscious
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for 11/11/2013 Theme, 9 of Swords. The suit of Swords represents the element of air, mind, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. Here this woman seems to be lying awake at night because of thoughts and messages that hang over her. Perhaps they are worries about her story, or her budget, […]
Get Up & Get Out There with Your Creative Dreams
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 10/28/13 Theme, 5 of Cups. Cups is the element of water, heart, feelings, dreams, intuition, creativity. 5 is a number of change, a tipping point. This woman sits with her back against the wall protecting the two creative dreams she still has because the others are broken disappointments. But […]
The Swans’ Song of Transformation
One Christmas, when I was a young girl, my mother’s older sister gave us a collection of fairytales in a large-format book with beautiful German watercolor illustrations. The book had tales from different cultures, more than the popular Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Beauty and the Beast. Within its pages, I discovered the fairytale of […]
Are You Showing Up and Suiting Up?
This week I watched one of those videos that gets passed around on FaceBook because of its emotional impact. It’s about a young man with autism who loved basketball and attended a high school in upstate New York. He joined his high school basketball team, not as a player, but as a coach’s assistant. He […]
Are You Taking Time for Creative Rest & Renewal?
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 1/28/2013. Theme, 4 of Swords. Sometimes the mind just won’t stop…ideas, worries, plans keep running through our brains. But to receive the message from the Muse, those divine insights and inspirations, we have to make space to receive. Think about how you can take time this week to make […]
Get the Big Picture on your Creative Work
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 1/21/2013. Theme for the week, King of Wands. Tending the fires of your creative work takes energy and commitment. As with a king ruling his kingdom, it helps if you have the big picture. This week, what is the big picture for your creative work? […]
Have You Been Chopped?
In the many visits this year to Virginia to see my grandson, my son and daughter-in-law have gotten me hooked on a couple of TV shows. One is Chopped. Chopped is a half hour cooking game show on the Food channel. Four professional chefs from across the country compete before three judges for a prize […]
Are You Letting Creative Disappointment Immobilize You?
Monday Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 11/5/2012. Theme for the week, 5 of Cups: See how the woman sits with her back against the wall, her knees drawn up and her arms crossed about her body protectively? See how she holds tightly to those two remaining cups while three others lie […]
Are You Committing to Your Creative Work?
Monday Message from the Muse for the week of 10/22/2012. Theme for the week is the Four of Wands. Wands is the suit of creativity, the creativity that is passionate, active, focused, intentional. Four is the number of stability. For me this card is about the importance of commitment. When we commit to something we […]
Did You (Finally) Write that Non-Fiction Book?
The year is almost over; only a little over three months before we celebrate a New Year with new goals. What about this year’s goals? Was one of your goals to write that non-fiction book you’ve had rattling around in your brain forever? Did you get it written? Did you even start it? Did you […]