Free Yourself of those Limiting Beliefs around your Creative Work
Monday’s Message from the Muse for the week of 10/1/2012. The Theme for this week is the Eight of Swords. Swords is the suit of Air, having to do with the mind, thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. You can see that this woman looks really bound up by her situation. But if you were that woman, […]
Creative Resources and Tools in Place?
Tarot Focus, Knight of Wands. 8/29/12. Do you have the creative resources, equipment and tools you need to go out into the world with your creative work? Do you have the passion and energy you need? What about your confidence and determination? Hard to get out there and be of service and fight for your […]
Do You Need to Curb Those Yes-Buts ?
It never fails. Whether you travel for the pleasure of it or to lead or attend a conference or retreat, you will inevitably encounter the Yes-but. You’ve seen the little beasties. They have very thick hoofs for digging their feet in. Their ears are small and frequently flop down making it hard for them to […]