Work Your Creative Magic
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/27/2015 Theme, The Magician. A Major Arcana card with lots of energy, the Magician is the person who knows how to move ideas from the energetic realm of the mind into the physical realm. This week look for opportunities to move from inspired idea into physical form, even if […]
What is Your Chocolate Croissant?
Bob and I live out in the country on a wooded five acres. The only Starbucks is about 20+ miles into Albany or its suburbs. When Bob and I travel, one of our traveling treats is to stop at a Starbucks for his coffee and my chai latte. Oh, and chocolate croissants. Recently, I had […]
Plant that Creative Seed
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 1/26/2015 Theme, Ace of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, wealth, anything you can touch, taste, feel. This week, look for where and when you need to plant the seed (Ace), take the first physical step of a new creative project, one […]
5 Favorite Ways to Move Out of Stalled
I’m about to tell you something really embarrassing. For the last few months, I’ve been stalled on my manuscript. Yep, the book coach was floundering. I had 70,000 words written but couldn’t figure out what the next 10,000 or so had to be in order to get to the last 10,000. I knew what was […]
Are You Dreaming of the Dead?
Halloween, Samhain, and Dia de Muertos, All Saint’s Day. These holidays mark the time of year when the veils between the worlds are thin and dreams of those who have died are common. So, not surprisingly, I dreamed a few nights ago of my mother who died in 1984. I worked with the dream as […]
Listen to Your Intuition for Creative Work
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 10/13/2014 Theme, The Moon. This Major Arcana card suggests that this week you pay attention to the insights, intuition and dreams that emerge from the unconscious. Trust your instincts and record those dreams. They will guide your steps in your creative work. Focus, The High […]
Follow the New Creative Vision
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 9/8/2014 Theme, 8 of Cups. Tonight is a Full Moon in Pisces, just as we have on this card, so the tarot is speaking loudly and clearly to us. See all those cups (heart, emotions, dreams, intutions) at the bottom of the card? Empty cups, creative projects, ideas or […]
Be the Star. Inspire!
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 8/18/2014 Theme, The Star. A Major Arcana card, the Star shines, inspires and heals. So this week, look for opportunities to shine, to inspire and yes, heal others with your creative work. Also be alert to sources of inspiration for you. Focus, 6 of Swords. Swords is the element […]
Conquer Creative Disappointment & Get Out There!
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 7/21/2014 Theme, 5 of Cups. Cups is the element of water, the realm of heart, feelings, dreams, intuition, and creativity. This challenging 5 reminds you that pursuing your creative dreams is up to you. You can sit with your back against the wall protecting those dreams or you can […]
Share Your Creative Message Loud & Proud
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 5/5/2014 Theme, Page of Coins. The Page is the messenger, a youthful, vibrant, energetic messenger. Coins is the element of earth, anything you can touch, taste or feel. This week be the energetic, vibrant messenger for your creative work. Share it loud and proud in visible, practical ways. Focus, […]