Share Your Creative Message Loud & Proud
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 5/5/2014 Theme, Page of Coins. The Page is the messenger, a youthful, vibrant, energetic messenger. Coins is the element of earth, anything you can touch, taste or feel. This week be the energetic, vibrant messenger for your creative work. Share it loud and proud in visible, practical ways. Focus, […]
Stop Waffling and Trust Your Creative Intuition
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 4/28/14 Theme, 2 of Swords. Two often indicates choice or decision and Swords represents the element of Air, of mind thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. This week, stop trying to make choices and decisions solely from a logical point of view. Trust and go with your intuition about creative […]
Make Those Ideas Real!
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 3/31/2014 Theme, The Magician. This Major Arcana card is all about the magic of your creativity, your ability to take ideas and manifest them in physical form. This week, watch all the ways you get to practice your magic. Remember your ability to make things real, to make things […]
Ready to Answer the Call of Your Creative Vision?
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 1/20/2014 Theme, Judgement. A Major Arcana card, number 20, this card tells you to stay awake and aware this week to the calling of your creative work or vision. It asks you to pay attention to power and purpose behind the work that you do and to how that […]
Pay Attention to Messages from the Unconscious
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for 11/11/2013 Theme, 9 of Swords. The suit of Swords represents the element of air, mind, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. Here this woman seems to be lying awake at night because of thoughts and messages that hang over her. Perhaps they are worries about her story, or her budget, […]
Start the New Creative Project, Plant that Seed
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 10/14/2013 Theme, Ace of Coins. The Aces are the beginning, the seed, holding all potential, all possibility. Coins are the element of Earth, money, home, health, anything you can touch, taste or feel. This week, keep in mind the importance of planting new seeds, even […]
What or Who Lies Hidden Beneath your Bed?
In my dream, I am away from home, sleeping in a strange bed. During the night, I was frightened, like a child, by the sense of something under the bed. In the light of day, I decide to brave up. I get down on the floor, reclining on my right side with my feet towards […]
Are You Committing to Your Creative Work?
Monday Message from the Muse for the week of 10/22/2012. Theme for the week is the Four of Wands. Wands is the suit of creativity, the creativity that is passionate, active, focused, intentional. Four is the number of stability. For me this card is about the importance of commitment. When we commit to something we […]