Be Fierce with Your Creative Confidence and Passion

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for 2/25/2013. Theme, Queen of Wands. Even though the Sun just moved into the sign of watery Pisces, this not the week to go with the flow and be directed by others needs and wants. Instead, this week, be the fiercely confident and creatively passionate Queen of Wands who […]

Are You Taking Creative Risks? Start the Journey. Leap.

Monday Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 12/3/12. Theme for the Week, The Fool. How willing are you to take creative risks? To leap out into that space not knowing where you are going or even where you will end up? Every new creative project takes a leap of faith. This week, […]

What — or Who — is the Muse? And Three Ways to Invite Her to Visit

When I started talking about the branding and name for my business, Divining the Muse, some people argued against it, suggesting that most people would not recognize what a Muse is. While I agreed that some might not, I also insisted that most people who work in the creative arts would know. And those who […]