Celebrate Success and Move Forward on Creative project
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 12/9/2013 Theme, 8 of Cups. Cups is the suit of water, heart, feelings,dreams, intuitions, creativity. Whatever creative projects you were emotionally invested in, they are no longer doing it for you. Time to let go. Finish or drop. New possibilities await you this week, so don’t hang on to […]
Time for Focused Work on a Creative Project
Monday Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 6/17/2013. Theme, 3 of Coins. Three is the number of growth, change and creativity. So the theme for this week is to make time for focusing on your current creative project, especially in ways that will manifest that project physically, since Coins is the suit […]
Focus on the Destination for your Creative Work
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 1/7/2013. Theme, The Chariot: This card is often understood as speed with success. BUT, to achieve that, you have to know where you want your chariot to go. What is the destination you are heading toward? The clearer you are about where you want to […]
Tending Your Creative Fires?
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the Week of 12/31/2012. Theme, King of Wands–This week, as we end the old year and begin the new, look at how you are tending the fires of your creative work. Are you looking at the big picture and planning for a successful year? Do you have the […]
Turning Creative Failure into Future Success
Recently, I had a Tea and Scones party and sale. That is, I intended to have one. I sent out invitations to friends and neighbors in our village environs. With hubby’s help, I cleaned, baked, decorated, and wove scarves. I served three kinds of scones and vanilla and cinnamon sugared almonds, along with a pot […]
5 Lessons on Creativity to Learn from “The King’s Speech”
Friday night, Bob and I watched the movie, “The King’s Speech.” In spite of several important historical misrepresentations, the movie is a powerful story about King George VI’s struggle to conquer his stammer at a time when the popularity of radio was changing how governments communicated with their populace. One of the most powerful scenes […]