Shine Your Light & Draw Others to Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 12/7/2020 Theme, The Sun. This Major Arcana card is naturally all about energy, vitality, light, and growth. The sun is the center of our universe and draws planets into orbit around it. This week, look for opportunities to be the Sun, to draw others to you with the light […]
Creative Success Comes with Clarity of Direction
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/30/2020 Theme, The Chariot. This Major Arcana card is about forward movement, especially successful forward movement in spite of challenges. The Chariot is success with speed. For you, creative success comes with clarity of direction. If you want all of your creative horses pulling in one direction, then you […]
Guard Your Confidence & Belief in Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/16/2020 Theme, 7 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. Seven is a number of contemplation of action. This week, don’t wait to guard your confidence and belief in your creative work and in yourself. Don’t make it […]
Keep Your Eye on the Creative Prize
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/9/2020 Theme, 6 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. Six is a number of harmony or the ease after the conflicts and challenges of the number five. Here the harmony is achieved when you focus on your […]
Share Your Creative Work with Excitement and Enthusiasm
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/2/2020 Theme, Page of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. The Page is the messenger, and as you can imagine from his fiery energy, he does nothing by halves. So, he is enthusiastic, excited and energetic as he relays […]
Who’s Your Creative Role Model?
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/26/2020 Theme, The Star. This Major Arcana card encourages you to look for a role model this week. Look for one or more creatives who inspire you with the quality of their work, and their ability to create success for themselves–as you define it. They can provide direction and […]
Brace Yourself, New Creative Idea Coming Through
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/19/2020 Theme, Ace of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. The Ace is the beginning, the seed holding all potential and possibilities of the suit. This week, brace yourself for the new creative idea that wants to come through. […]
Focus on Your Creative Destination, Not Your Fears
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/12/2020 Theme, 6 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. Six is one step past that point of conflict and challenge and now you are ready to move forward toward your destination. Like the woman standing in the […]
Engage Your Audience with Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/5/2020 Theme, Knight of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, wealth, and anything physical. The Knight is the champion, the one who has the training, resources, and ability to go out into the realm to serve. This Knight likes staying close to […]
Identify Creative Concerns & Dreams
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/28/2020 Theme, 9 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and communication. Nine in the tarot is the number of finishing, and the suit at a high intensity. This week, when the worries waken you, and the dreams call to […]