Be Alert for 2 New Project Ideas
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/5/2016 Theme, Page of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts attitudes, beliefs, and communication. The Page is the youth, the messenger. This Page brings you the message of two new project ideas this week. Be alert and ready to receive them. Write […]
Elevate Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/18/2016 Theme, Temperance. This Major Arcana card with the angel elevated in a special space, represents balance, elevation above the structures and rules of life, alchemy and the mixing or bringing together of opposites. This week, pay attention to where you have to bring both will and inspiration together […]
Brigid and the Steam of Creativity
One of my favorite goddesses is Brigid, from Celtic mythology. She is a three-fold goddess (meaning she embodies Maiden, Mother, Crone) and is often represented as Goddess of the Forge (fire) and Goddess of the Well (water). As Goddess of the Well, she is healer and poet and the part of the creative process that […]
Get the Word Out about Creative Work.
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/13/2015 Theme, Page of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. The Page is the messenger and errand runner. This week, look for opportunities to get the word out about your work, especially over the “air” waves, like social […]
A Ritual to Celebrate Brigit and Temper Your Creativity
Brigit is one of the oldest known Irish or Celtic goddesses, worshipped as a triple goddess, i.e. maiden/mother/crone. As goddess of the forge or smithy, Brigit is the patroness of metalworking and other crafts. Her element is fire, the fire of passion and inspiration, and her celebration, February 2nd, includes the lighting of hearth fires […]
Time to Temper Your Creativity
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 1/27/2014 Theme, Temperance. Like the Goddess Brigid who is the goddess of the forge, creativity, the well, the poet, Temperance asks you this week to combine passion and will with love and desire in your creative work. Moving back and forth between the fire of will and the water […]
Balance Creative Passions & Emotions
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 7/29/2013 Theme, Temperance. The theme this week is one of elevating yourself enough to see clearly and be able to balance your creative passions and desires with your emotions. Creativity requires desire and will to manifest in physical form so bring those two together this […]
New Perspective Can Help Strengthen Your Creative Work
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 2/18/2013. Theme, Temperance. This week be aware of the desire to look at your creative work from a new vantage point. Maybe you need some time away, or maybe you can mentally and emotionally step up and back. See from that new perspective, new solutions, new combinations, new ways […]
Are You Serving your Community with your Creative Passions?
Monday Tarot Message from the Muse. 10/29/2012. Theme for the week, Knight of Wands. Ready to do battle? Put on the armor of your passion for your work, then ride out to use your creative work to serve others. Your passion for what you do fuels the passions of others and inspires them to creative […]
How are You Creatively Entering the Dark of the Year?
I’ve never known anyone yet who doesn’t suffer a certain restlessness when autumn rolls around… We’re all eight years old again and anything is possible. ~ Sue Grafton Bob’s and I make a fall mecca to our local apple orchard this time of year. It is our way of honoring the turn of the Wheel […]