Are You Tapping into Magical Ideas?
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for Week of 4/8/2013. Theme, The Magician. For this week, be aware of the magic you hold within, the magic that can take an idea and turn it into physical form. How, for you, thoughts definitely become things. Focus, Page of Cups. With that magical ability comes the need […]
Are You Doing a Carly Simon?
Anticipation, anticipation/ Is makin’ me late/Is keepin’ me waitin’ ~ Carly Simon Do you remember being a child excitedly counting down the days until Christmas or some other special holiday? Do you remember the fluttery feeling in your tummy the first time you went out on a date with a new person? Or waited to […]
STOP Microwaving Your Creativity
I get it. I really do. Time is short and passes quickly. You are busy with a hundred and one things. And in today’s world of technology where information sharing and business occurs at the speed of nanoseconds, the oft-times snail-like process of creativity can become extremely frustrating. So we look for ways to essentially […]