What Do You Do When You Don’t Want To?

I’ve been writing articles for my newsletter for more than five years now, so you’ll understand if I tell you that some weeks, my inner child throws a tantrum. “No! I don’t want to write another newsletter. You can’t make me. No!” And yet, the deadline draws near. I can’t escape the deadline. And I […]

Writing Process Blog Hop

Thank you to friend and writing sister, Win Day, for the invitation to participate in this writing blog hop. Win is a writer, a speaker, a strategist, and a geek. Her company, Creative Implementations, offers lifestyle business strategies and WordPress development and technical maintenance services to creatives and heart-centered entrepreneurs. She’s writing her very first […]

Are You Looking at the Picture on Your Box Top?

When I was growing up, Santa brought my family a new jigsaw puzzle every Christmas. Later in the day, Dad would set up the card table and parents and siblings would draw up chairs and start turning over puzzle pieces. Hours passed with breaks for snacks and the bathroom. Pieces fell into place faster and […]

How Do You Say What You Do?

Have you ever been to a conference or even just at a party or someplace new and someone comes up to you and asks, “So what do you do?” Do you cringe a little inside? Do you stumble and trip over your tongue, or worse, mumble? Or do you answer, “I am a teacher,” or […]

3 Steps to Finding Your Way through the Fog

Emergencies have always been necessary to progress. It was darkness which produced the lamp. It was fog that produced the compass. ~ Victor Hugo I woke the other morning, and saw that the rich gold of autumn leaves was dimmed by a thin layer of fog, a not unusual occurrence here in the Catskills. Because […]

So What are You Going to Do about Your Tower, Rapunzel?

Every time one of our three sons approached his mid-teens—you know, that time when they want to learn to drive, attend late-night parties, and start experimenting with alcohol and other things you don’t want to even imagine—I yearned to install a very tall tower in our backyard and stick that son in it. A tower […]

Persephone’s Quandary—Is it Yours?

You know the story of Persephone, daughter of Demeter, who is kidnapped by Hades, god of the Underworld. Mad with grief, Demeter, goddess of harvest and crops, causes a famine until her daughter is returned to her. However, since Persephone has eaten a pomegranate seed while in the Underworld she must return each year to […]

For Now—Just Write

Here is a great quote for your weekend.  If you aren’t a writer, the principle still applies. The Internet has changed publishing. The growing pains are fierce. But they are not your growing pains. Publish however you think best suits you. Don’t rush it. Take your time writing and editing, and then, when you think […]