Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 12/29/2014
Theme, 2 of Wands. Wands is the element of fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. Two is often about choices and balance. This week, instead of believing you have to choose one or the other creative project or opportunity or expression, ask a different question. Ask how you can do both or how you can blend them together, or how each might feed the other.
Focus, 5 of Wands. Still in the realm of spirit and creativity, the number five is a challenge or change. Here you are asked, what is your creative priority this week? What most needs your focus instead of battling for your attention? Establishing priorities will help you quiet the conflict.
Action, The Emperor. Oh yes, this Major Arcana card is definitely about action. See the ram above the Emperor? He charges forward with eagerness and lets nothing stand in his way. Marshall your resources and energy and move forward with confidence and determination.
Gift, The Moon. Another Major Arcana card, this very feminine energy balances the more masculine energy of the Emperor. Taking action opens the doorway to this gift of dreams, insight and intuition. Be alert for it because it will guide further action.