I am so pleased and excited to welcome you to my newly redesigned website and blog. For many reasons, this has been a year-long process, but as the site developed so did my clarity around what I do well, how I do it and whom I do it for…
So I look forward to sharing with you thoughts and ideas that will help you gain clarity about your unique creative gifts (and the challenges that come with them). I’ll also be posting my 3-card tarot readings Monday through Friday to keep you focused and motivated, as well as tips, quotations, and information to fuel your creative fires.
If we can live our lives with a fierce commitment to our creative potential, then, along with our creative work, we can also create opportunities for change and transformation–in our lives and in the world.
So, I hope you’ll return here again and again, to read, to comment and question, to engage with others, and to explore your connection to the Muse.
Finally, I want to say how very grateful I am to everyone who helped with the redesign, and/or provided insight and feedback. I especially want to thank my youngest son, Jason, who designed the header/banner in one day, proving how very much he gets his mom; my oldest son, Stephen, who provided information and advice, even in the midst of a challenging year; and Win Day of Creative Implementations for her knowledgeable and oh-so-helpful layout and technical assistance, as well as the last minute charge to the rescue . Most especially, I offer a thousand thank yous to my patient, persistent, loving husband, Bob, who worked hard to make this a site we are both proud of.
Divine Musings,